Announcing the Festival of St. Valentine The Arch-Bishop of the abbey of St. Pierre cordially invites you to attend the Festival of St. Valentine, the opening of the jousting season begins on Jan 31st and culminates on Feb 14th is a grand feast for all participants. Interested Knights should submit their names for the lists no later than Friday Jan 30th.
The prize pool will be photographed later today, but why delay? Join today! You can join by sending me your knight’s details by email at mike.davison317 AT The rules for knight generation can be found here. You will need to join my Jousting Fields of Normandie G+ group to participate, I will invite you once you submit a knight if you are not already a member.
I have resolved to focus on one personal project this year, and have chosen to go back to Dungeon Delving in Middle Earth. I am digging out my notes and working on a character creation pdf, though I am changing the name to "Drums in the Deep". Today I was thinking of articles I could write to support this, and one of those is the idea of playing as Orcs - always fun taking a turn as the bad guys. So, I have churned out a quick name generator that should give an ok sounding orc name. Roll a couple of d20's and name that orc!